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Society Tags: #salafi movement (religion)

Benefit: Youth Who Claim To Love Salafiyyah Whilst Criticising Salafī Centres and Their Elders?


Added on 02 May 2019

In the name of Allāh, al-Raḥmān, al-Raḥīm

Questioner: How do we deal with youth who love Salafiyyah but speak ill of the Centre’s administration and those who established/organised it, also they do not accept advice from their elders.

Answer: The Shaykh began by saying, “No, tell them do not do this, it is not from the akhlāq of the Salafīs, they have opposed the Salafīs (in this matter) the Salafī follows the manners of the Salaf. This is from the affairs of Ahl al-Bidʿah”…

”...Are they not the best people you can go to (in your land)? Is there better than them which you can go to (in your land)? If there is then go...”

The Shaykh then went on to ask those who create fitnah and speak ill of the brothers at the markaz, do you want to take their places and make yourself look like you are more knowledgeable then them? If you have knowledge then proceed with it but if you do not have knowledge then learn!

Questioner: No Shaykh, these youth don't have knowledge, they are new to Salafiyyah!

Shaykh Ḥasan continued:

“They don't know anything, if they knew and understood Salafiyyah, then they wouldn't speak like this. If there are scholars with you, then learn from the scholars and stick to them, may Allaah reward them.”

The shaykh went on to emphasise learning manners and possessing knowledge so that the people respond to your daʿwah and say the Salafees they are polite and knowledgeable people, then they will want to be like you. The Shaykh said let him talk to me on the phone (the ones who are causing trouble and speaking ill of the brothers at the centre) I will respond to them.
