Benefit: How They Leave the Sunnah - Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Hadī Al-Madkhalī
Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Hādī: …This is how we find all those who split from Ahl al-Sunnah—the reason being—sitting with the people of desires and innovation! So it is upon the servant (of Allāh) to fear for himself and to distance himself from the people of desires and innovation. He should not listen to them.
For how many have we seen—who were said to be strong and firm (in the religion)—but when they sat with the people of innovation, they corrupted them! When they opened up sittings for them so they could benefit, they corrupted them! Thereafter they ended up accompanying them and being by their side, defending them.
They started by making excuses for them (the people of innovation), doubting that which is conveyed against them, saying: Who conveyed this? Who are they who conveyed this? Who told you this? Was it verified from them (the people of innovation) that they said this? Verify it, bring this to me, perhaps they meant this and that. (i.e. excuses)
Then after this, they (Ahl al-Bidʿah) become his companions, and the people of Sunnah become his enemies! Like we have witnessed in these times.
Translated by Munīb al-Ṣumālī
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